Our hometown is Drouin, in West Gippsland Victoria and are currently living our best life on Overnewton Station, Far West New South Wales with my Husband, James and our two boys, Jackson (4), Tully (1) and #3 due early 2024. We have recently purchased our first family home in Pooncarie NSW which we are in the process of renovating.

We live a pretty crazy life on the station, surrounded by our growing collection of animals: 4 Chickens, 3 Ducks, Mr Moo - our wild hand raised Emu, Tucker - our working puppy, Bunji and Sadie- our Jack Russells and lastly my fur baby; Humphrey the Giant Leonberger whom I waited almost a decade to welcome into my life.


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For as long as I can remember, I have surrounded myself with photos and cameras; Perhaps stemming from the past life of my nursery; having been a replacement of my fathers darkroom, who also had a passion for photography.

I purchased my first polaroid, underwater and DSLR camera when I got my first job at 14 working at the local Chinese restaurant. They were the very first purchases I made when I started earning my own money.

Throughout High School, I participated in all photography classes and researching Art and Photography schools for after graduation. In our level, I was always the one with the camera at school, parties, events, excursions; it was glued to me. During my final year of school, my life was pulled in a very different direction; my passion, creativity and beloved camera was placed on the shelf.

Since becoming a mother, I have found myself dusting off the camera to capture moments of my own; re-sparking that passion within me. And thanks to my very supportive friends, I am now living my dream and pursuing my passion in capturing timeless moments.

We are very spontaneous people and love an outback adventure. We have moved interstate for work a number of times over the past few years together and love the adventures it takes us on but we have found ourselves a home in the Far West and don't see ourselves moving in the immediate future. When we're not on the station, we enjoy going for long drives and true bush camping up into the Forrest areas in Gippsland and exploring the high country throughout Benambra and beyond.

In late 2023, I was diagnosed as neurodivergent, which explains a lot of my personal traits, including showing qualities of both introvert and extrovert, I can be very chatty and the first on the dance floor but can also be the quiet fly on the wall and could stay at home for weeks without talking to a soul (pretty hard now with two busy boys).

I love meeting new people and capturing the moments that are unplanned, the love and genuine connections you share with the special people in your life.

If chosen to be your photographer; My aim is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, let go and enjoy. Not much will bothers me. I am always up for a challenge and love the chaos!